Battenfeld-Cincinnati Inc.
The uniEX single-screw extruder series is now available in models that produce sheet.

Battenfeld-Cincinnati expands sheet extrusion offerings

Aug. 3, 2021
The uniEX single-screw extruder series now includes three models engineered for sheet extrusion; the Multi-Touch XXL roll stacks are available as part of complete extrusion lines...
The new Mirex PET/PLA line from Reifenhäuser allows sheet manufacturers to run either PET or PLA.

Reifenhäuser sheet line can switch from PET to PLA production

July 28, 2021
Polylactic acid, a bio-based resin made from sugar, is seeing increased demand for production of sustainable cups, plates and clamshells.
Battenfeld-Cincinnati USA
A complete extrusion line with high-speed extruders and Multitouch XXL for producing high-impact PS boards.

Battenfeld-Cincinnati high-speed lines target sheet for refrigerators

May 5, 2021
The sheet extrusion lines feature three compact extruders and the company’s Multitouch XXL roll stack.
NDC Technologies Inc.
NDC Technologies has combined its HazePro and FilmPro products into one system.

Combo unit measures film haze, thickness

Feb. 22, 2021
Combining the capabilities of the HazePro and FilmPro devices provides efficient, in-line measurement.
Gneuss Inc.
This Gneuss tray-to-tray recycling sheet line includes an MRSjump extruder.

Gneuss extruder recycles PET tray regrind directly into sheet

Dec. 28, 2020
The circular economy's rising demand for post-consumer PET from bottles boosts need to adopt PET from other post-consumer sources.