The TracerVMA allows users to program the flow to match their cooling needs.
Burger & Brown Engineering, Inc.
The TracerVMA allows users to program the flow to match their cooling needs.
SmartFlow TracerVMA Burger & Brown Engineering has applied for a patent for its flow meter for mold cooling water. Its user interface has sealed buttons, a color LCD display and user-friendly menus, and can optionally be mounted as much as 9.5 feet away from the flow meter. Up to four set points can be programmed, and the unit can alert users to such problems as low voltage or inability to maintain the minimum flow rate.
What’s new? Automatic flow rate adjustment. Users can now program the device to use the Reynolds Number (the cooling capacity of the mold cooling water) or the standard steady flow rate to match their needs.
Benefits Consistent cooling. This is especially useful for facilities where operators are running multiple presses or those running a “lights-out” operation, as the meter can adjust for temperature and pressure variations without additional human intervention to maintain consistent part quality.
Burger & Brown Engineering Inc., Grandview, Mo., 816-878-6675,
Vital statistics
0.375-inch and 0.5-inch connection: glass-filled nylon body
0.75-inch or 1-inch connection: anodized aluminum or stainless steel body