New software allows the Mistral+ to sort black plastics

July 23, 2018
Originally launched in 2016, Pellenc's Mistral+ optical multimaterial sorter comes equipped with a near-infrared spectrometer; it also can be outfitted with a vision system. 

Mistral+: Originally launched in 2016, Pellenc's optical multimaterial sorter comes equipped with a near-infrared spectrometer; it also can be outfitted with a vision system. Employing a state-of-the-art user interface, it can be controlled via either a PLC (programmable logic controller) or computer. It is available in six machine widths, from about 31.5 inches to about 110 inches.

What's new? The inclusion of a software feature called Object Detection that enables sorting of black plastics. Although Pellenc previously demonstrated the feature, the package won't be commercially available until the end of the year. The feature will be retrofittable and available as an option on machines purchased this summer.

Benefits: Improved detection and ejection performance.

Pellenc ST America Inc., Fort Mill, South Carolina, 803-396-3990,