Optical comparator uses non-contact technology

Feb. 1, 2020
IM-7500 Keyence says this optical comparator is ideal for manufacturers whose quality control processes require them to frequently measure the dimensions of the parts they produce. Its non-contact approach avoids inaccuracies that can occur with conventional measuring methods.

What’s new? User-friendly software. Operators can access part programs by scanning a barcode, and reports can be generated with a single click of a button.

Benefits Ease of use. The IM-7500 doesn’t require operator expertise to achieve accurate, repeatable results. There is no need for precise placement of parts on the measurement stage, which moves three times faster than conventional systems. Up to 99 dimensions can be measured on each part, and as many as 100 parts can be measured simultaneously. A variety of different parts can be measured at the same time without having to change profiles.

Keyence Corp. of America, Itasca, Ill., 201-930-0100, www.keyence.com