PMM Most Read Articles - Dec 1st, 2022
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December 1, 2022
Make plans now to deal with higher prices, uncertain delivery and power quality fluctuations.
Ecoplast Solutions leverages the benefits of using foam cores made from recycled PET to make homes, as it and a partner, JD Composites, find new use for plastic waste.
Nissei and Negri Bossi brought presses to K 2022 dating to 1957 and 1949, respectively.
Wittmann, Engel and KraussMaffei offer products that learn processing parameters so they can alert users to potential anomalies or even solve the problem on their own.

Soar past competitors by placing the latest technology at your fingertips with SmartServices®. This cloud-based platform connects all plastic processing equipment to measure equipment utilization and monitor KPIs. Customers attest our advanced gadgets signal a potential problem before it triggers downtime. At Conair, we know uptime is a big deal to you - that’s why it’s a big deal to us.

Besides simplifying screw, breaker plate and downstream tooling changes, the clamp also offers safety advantages.
Aspiring toymaker partners with 3DChimera to bring his office-inspired '9 to 5 Warriors' to life.
The Recycling Committee seeks to energize the recycling sector nationwide.
The four-year paid program will include instruction at the company's York, Pa., headquarters and in the field, concluding with a job offer and certification.
Virgin resin manufacturers, under pressure from the public to increase PCR content, may end up fighting for the same material stream.
The new Lumina MP1200 has two injection units and can run two molds simultaneously.