FL series Keyence's new line of sensors is used to detect the level of water, oil, chemicals, viscous liquids and liquids containing particulates in tanks, baths and pipes. FL-series sensors automatically determine and adjust to the type of liquid being measured by monitoring the speed of a guided pulse signal passing through the liquid. The sensors come in three types: standard, sanitary and plastic, which is suitable for corrosive liquids.
What's new? The sensors, which are a new type of product for Keyence.
Benefits Reliable detection and the elimination of false readings, which can be a problem with other types of level sensors. The maintenance-free device has no moving parts and is unaffected by build-up or rust, or by foam, bubbles or ripples on the surface of the liquid. Heaters or propellers in the tank also don't affect the readings of FL-series sensors. The devices can prevent costly downtime associated with situations where the water in tanks overflows or boils away.
Keyence Corp. of America, Itasca, Ill., 201-930-0100, www.keyence.com
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