No. 958 Grieve's new oven uses Incoloy-sheathed tubular heating elements to provide electric heating of up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit for treating long parts. The oven, which comes with two fixture supports on flanged wheels, measures 3 feet by 25 feet by 3 feet and has 4-inch insulated walls, a 2-inch insulated floor and an aluminized steel interior and exterior. It comes with a 3-horsepower recirculating blower and air-flow safety switch. It has a digital programming and recording temperature controller, manual reset excess-temperature controller, plus a SCR power controller.
What's new? The oven.
Benefits Very large batch processing in one step. Despite its immense size, the oven provides uniform heating.
Grieve Corp., Round Lake, Ill., 847-546-8225,