Mighty E ICEsonic's dual-hose dry-ice blasting unit can remove contaminants from precision parts without damaging tooling. At 55 pounds, it provides a more powerful stream of air than smaller dry-ice blasting machines and costs significantly less than larger units. The package includes the dry-ice blasting unit; dual hose, gun and medium jet; three nozzles of different sizes; and a universal claw air-hose adapter.
What's new? The use of the specific model within the plastics industry. ICEsonic estimates that a recent sale represents the first time an American plastics molding customer had purchased the machine.
Benefits Fast removal of contaminants from metal or other temperature-sensitive, dense substrates, at a fraction of the cost of similar machines.
ICEsonic USA LLC, Cowpens, S.C., 864-463-4354, www.icesonic-usa.com
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