The self-cleaning Free-Fall (FF) style drawer magnet from Bunting Magnetics Separation, used in material conveying systems, offers new options. The standard size fits a 2- to 7-inch machine opening but the magnet is available in a number of different dimensions.
FF series This self-cleaning Free-Fall (FF) style drawer magnet from Bunting Magnetics Separation, used in material conveying systems, offers new options. The standard size fits a 2- to 7-inch machine opening but the magnet is available in a number of different dimensions.
What's new? A purge hopper; a dump tube that empties the drawer housing after a completed run; a port for adding liquid color to be injected into resin; and a slide gate and seal kit that prevents spillage and leaks.
Benefits The purge hopper speeds up equipment cleaning when changing colors or compounds, while maintaining magnetic protection. The unit features manual or pneumatic self-cleaning, with control packages for hard-to-reach installations.