Ball catches Hasco’s ball catches are incorporated into injection molds by mold makers to prevent linear and radial movements of various types of mold components.
What’s new? Models Z3700 and Z3701. The Z3700 ball catch has a stronger stainless-steel spring than previous Hasco ball catches, making it suitable for use with heavy mold components that need stronger forces to hold them in place. It can be used in temperatures up to 662 degrees Fahrenheit. The Z3701 model has a special nylon thread to prevent it from twisting and working its way out of its hole. It is suitable for use in temperatures of up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit.
Benefits Reliable locking of mold components and easy installation. The ball catches, which feature stainless-steel balls and springs, come with a slot for assembly and can be quickly installed with a screwdriver.
Hasco America Inc., Fletcher, N.C., 828-650-2600,