Fanuc unveils apps for CNC customers

Jan. 19, 2022
The new suite of apps lets users compare capabilities of its machines and controls, as well as quickly fix machine alarms.

Apps Fanuc America unveiled a family of apps for its CNC machining system customers. The CNC Comparison app gives customers a side-by-side comparison of different Fanuc controls. Users can see capabilities such as the number of paths and axes available, or the amount of internal storage. The CNC Function Catalog app lets users view features and options available on controls and machines they have and explore potential options or upgrades. When an alarm code is triggered on a CNC machine, the CNC Alarm app lets the operator identify the alarm number from a menu on a phone or mobile device, or use the device’s camera to look up the error. Following a “More info” link tells the operator what’s happening and why, as well as how to resolve the alarm.

What’s new? The suite of apps, which debuted in December.

Benefits Simplified troubleshooting and product comparisons. The CNC Alarm app provides answers more quickly than paging through manuals. The apps can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play. Fanuc plans to release more apps in the future.

Fanuc America Corp., Rochester Hills, Mich., 888-326-8287,