Laserax rolls out three laser-marking stations

July 5, 2019
Laserax, a company that makes laser-marking and laser-cleaning technologies, offers several laser-marking stations for manufacturers, such as car-component makers, seeking to establish part-to-part traceability.

Laser-marking stations Laserax, a company that makes laser-marking and laser-cleaning technologies, offers several laser-marking stations for manufacturers, such as car-component makers, seeking to establish part-to-part traceability. The offerings include a fully automated open-air machine, or OAM, a semi-automated rotary table workstation, or RTW, and the fully automated rotary-table machine, or RTM. Both the OAM and RTM are supplied with robots. The simplest of the stations, the RTW, requires manual loading and unloading of parts. All the stations can work with any plastic part that can be mounted on a fixture.

What’s new? The OAM, RTW and RTM, which all hit the market in the spring.

Benefits Complete part traceability.

Laserax, Quebec City, 418-780-7324,