Vertical press Nissei has introduced a hybrid-type vertical injection molding machine with 220 tons of clamping force. The company based the machine, designated TWX220RIII25V, on its best-selling TNX-RIII series, which is used for insert molding in a variety of markets, such as the automotive and electronics industries. The press is designed to accommodate different types of automation systems, including take-out robots, articulated robots and robots with two arms.
What’s new? The TWX220RIII25V, which features various improvements over its predecessor. A new, compound-type clamping mechanism controls both high-speed clamping and high-pressure clamping with one cylinder. Because of the new mechanism, the mold mounting height is about 30 percent lower than conventional machines, at about 3.3 feet, and the overall machine height is about 10 percent lower. Nissei began accepting orders for the machine on May 1.
Benefits Space savings, convenience and improved performance. The lower mold mounting height makes mold installation, insert placement and product takeout easier. Additionally, the redesigned clamping mechanism evenly transmits clamping force and reduces the need for hydraulic oil by 52 percent. Servomotors drive both turntable rotation and ejector motion for faster cycles, smooth mechanical motion and precise stopping.
Nissei America Inc., Anaheim, Calif., 714-693-3000,