R9 TeachBox With this control system for Wittmann robots, users can integrate their robot into the injection molding machine (IMM) and operate it from the IMM’s terminal. The control is designed to simplify programming and robot use.
What’s new? The Control Room TeachBox, an update that brings Industry 4.0 connectivity to any Wittmann 4.0-compatible auxiliary technology within a cell, regardless of IMM brand. At NPE, a WX142 robot will operate using the Control Room TeachBox.
Benefits Access to auxiliary equipment control through the robot controller pendant, allowing one location for the customer to view and control as many as 15 pieces of equipment from Wittmann within a cell — including blenders, loaders, temperature controllers and dryers.
Wittmann USA Inc., Torrington, Conn., 860-496-9603, www.wittmann-group.com/en/usa
Karen Hanna | Senior Staff Reporter
Senior Staff Reporter Karen Hanna covers injection molding, molds and tooling, processors, workforce and other topics, and writes features including In Other Words and Problem Solved for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. She has more than 15 years of experience in daily and magazine journalism.