Wittmann robots support Westfall Technik's new medical molding plant

May 31, 2022
The packaging and medical molder's plant near Chicago began operations six months after the company took over a shuttered facility. It now includes three clean rooms.

Wittmann robots are helping packaging and medical-parts maker Westfall Technik hit the ground running at its new plant outside Chicago. 

Westfall runs a variety of sprue pickers and robots from Wittmann at its new facility in Antioch, Ill., where it’s turned a defunct molding shop — most recently known as MGS Manufacturing Group Inc. — into a medical molding plant complete with three clean rooms. 

Roy Boyd, GM of the new plant, said Torrington, Conn.-based Wittmann was a logical choice for an automation supplier.  

“I have worked with Wittmann robots and equipment for over 20 years in my career,” he said.  “They were our preferred supplier for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was their service.  They were with us from Day 1, helping us integrate their robots and auxiliaries into our molding machine cells.” 

Wittmann’s ability to turn around orders quickly was a selling point for Westfall, which began operations in Antioch just six months after acquiring the then-shuttered facility. At the plant, it’s currently running 15 injection molding machines ranging from 55-280 tons, along with Wittmann temperature control units, dryers, granulators, gravimetric blenders and feeders, and material loaders.