OBLIW-SM This new loss-in-weight micro batch blender from Orbetron incorporates stepper motor controls and can handle from one to six different ingredients. It continuously calculates weight loss until the desired batch weight per ingredient is reached. Featuring disc feeders, it can be used with powders, pellets and granular bulk materials. The OBLIW-SM utilizes the ModBus TCP/IP communication protocol.
What’s new? The OBLIW-SM, which was introduced early this year. It displays measurements in grams, kilograms or pounds. Using 3D printing, Orbetron can create custom mountings to affix the blender to the customer’s process equipment.
Benefits Highly accurate dosing and user friendliness. The blender’s push-button controls make it easy to calibrate and operate. Additionally, cleanout and material changeovers are simple to perform.
Orbetron LLC, Lincoln, R.I., 866-553-3330, www.orbetron.com