EM530 and EM540 These three-phase energy analyzers from Carlo Gavazzi can measure energy consumption, harmonic distortion and electrical variables. They are appropriate for many building and industrial automation applications, including power metering and energy analysis for energy efficiency. If used to monitor a single machine, the units provide all the main electrical variables to identify any malfunction early; correlating the energy consumption with a machine’s hours of operation can help users prevent failures and plan for maintenance.
What’s new? The EM530 and EM540, the latest in the company’s line of energy meters and power analyzers. The power analyzers can be used with two- and three-phase systems, as well as wild-leg systems, and can transmit data to other systems through Modbus RTU or M-Bus.
Benefits The ability to monitor and manage energy costs. The analyzers come with free downloadable configuration software and are easy to commission using an intuitive setup menu. They notify the user of wiring errors and provide step-by-step correction instructions. Additionally, the analyzers feature a programmable display and have a slide show function that automatically shows the desired measurements in sequence. The analyzers’ compact size allows them to fit in any electrical panel and their backlit display is easy to read.
Carlo Gavazzi, Buffalo Grove, Ill., 847-465-6100, www.gavazzionline.com
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