Upgraded interface transmits mold cooling data
Smartlink TracerVM Interface Burger & Brown Engineering’s interface is used in conjunction with its TracerVM Base flow meters, which monitor the cooling water in injection molds. The Smartlink TracerVM Interface provides remote access to information about mold water flow and temperature for multiple injection molding machines at once. It collects data from up to eight flow meters installed in injection mold cooling circuits and sends the information to a mobile device via Bluetooth or to a PC over an Ethernet connection.
What’s new? The addition of configuration files to the device’s software and updated branding. Formerly called TracerVM Bluetooth Interface, the new name more accurately describes the most common application of the product, which is to link with the company’s PC-based proprietary Data Logger software to collect, transmit and store injection mold cooling data from Tracer VM Base units. This data is used to confirm injection molded part processing conditions commonly required for critical components for the medical, military or aerospace markets. The new configuration files contain alarm settings, cooling circuit names, unit preferences and all parameters set by the user during a data logging session. These files can be saved and retrieved as needed for specific mold and machine combinations.
Benefits The configuration files allow faster setup during mold changes and improved data consistency.
Burger & Brown Engineering Inc., Grandview, Mo., 816-878-6675, www.smartflow-usa.com
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