CL-3000 This ultra-compact coaxial laser displacement sensor from Keyence can measure any type of material — including transparent film — for thickness, warpage, flatness and other characteristics. It is effective on curved, uneven and rough surfaces. With a diameter of just 8mm, it can perform non-contact measurement in tight spaces, is easily integrated with robots and can be installed with multiple sensors side by side. The CL-3000 is dust- and water-resistant, making it suited for use in manufacturing environments.
What’s new? The device and its multicolor confocal-method displacement sensors. Also, the light source and other key parts are mounted in the optical unit, so that the lens is the only component inside the sensor head.
Benefits High-precision measurement for quality-control applications. Because the lens is alone in the head, it is not impacted by heat or electrical noise from other system components.
Keyence Corp. of America, Itasca, Ill., 201-930-0100,