Coperion has overhauled its ZS-EG twin-screw side-devolatilization unit and its ZS-B side-feeder unit. The units are used on Coperion ZSK extruders for compounding and other processes in which devolatilization and side feeding are necessary.
The new ZS-EG Easy devolatilization unit and the new ZS-B Easy side feeder are designed so that they can be cleaned faster than previous versions, according to the company.
“The new ZS-EG Easy and the new ZS-B Easy permit much faster dismantling from the ZSK process section and the twin screws can be changed very [simply],” the company said in a press release. As a result, cleaning time during recipe changes is significantly reduced.
The company also has optimized the design of the ZSK’s connection barrel for quick changes, allowing all four mounting bolts to be quickly undone. In addition, the screw shafts can be completely loosened, cleaned or changed in a much shorter period, the company said.
The ZS-EG Easy features new radial shaft sealing rings. The service life of the gear-side shaft seal now is considerably greater, according to the company.
A new gearbox means the ZS-EG Easy can be quickly and easily converted into a ZS-B Easy side feeder.
“Of course, the same applies in the opposite direction,” the company said. “A ZS-B side feeder can be transformed into a ZS-EG side-devolatilization [unit] in just a few movements.”
The ZS-EG Easy keeps the melt reliably in the process section without leakage, even when the extruder is operating at maximum torque. Compared with extruders with a conventional top-vent barrel, a ZSK extruder with the new ZS-EG Easy offers greater throughputs. Operators can see throughput increases of up to 30 percent, along with improved product quality, Coperion said.
Bruce Geiselman, senior staff reporter
Coperion Corp. Sewell, N.J., 201-327-6300,
Bruce Geiselman | Senior Staff Reporter
Senior Staff Reporter Bruce Geiselman covers extrusion, blow molding, additive manufacturing, automation and end markets including automotive and packaging. He also writes features, including In Other Words and Problem Solved, for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. He has extensive experience in daily and magazine journalism.