Niigata Machine Techno Co. Ltd. of Japan, the parent company of Niigata Machine Techno USA, recently announced it has spun off the injection molding side of its business into a separate company.
The new company – Niigata Machinery Co. Ltd. – will focus solely on driving new business growth of injection molding machines worldwide. Niigata Machinery has made a multimillion-dollar investment in the business, commencing construction of a state-of-the art manufacturing facility in Niigata City, Japan. When complete, it will consolidate all aspects of Niigata’s IMM business into a single location – research, design and engineering, fabrication, manufacturing and warehousing.
“We’ve been the midst of a major growth surge for our MDS8000 all-electric injection molding machines that could not be supported by our existing facility,” said Steve Cunningham, GM of Niigata Machine Techno USA’s Injection Molding Division, headquartered in Elk Grove Village, Ill.
“When our new facility opens in 2025, we’ll not only be able to support this growth surge, but we expect to significantly shorten lead times throughout North America so that we can get new machines out to customers on a timely basis,” he said. “The potential for new business growth in North America and beyond is unlimited, and we’re just getting started.”
David Tillett | Associate Editor
Associate Editor David Tillett writes and edits for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. He covers new products, industry news, patents and consumer and business equipment. He has more than 20 years of experience in daily newspaper, online and magazine journalism.
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