Regloplas upgrades temperature control units

May 31, 2017
Regloplas is offering a new version of its pressurized-water mold-temperature control units.

P230S Regloplas is offering a new version of its pressurized-water mold-temperature control units (TCUs). The TCUs come in standard sizes with heating capacities ranging from 8 kilowatts to 100 kilowatts, flow rates of 10 to 50 gallons per minute and pressures up to 135 pounds per square inch. They are equipped with the easy-to-use Regloplas RT100 controller, which allows users to access dozens of built-in options, such as the ability to start multiple TCUs from a master unit.

What's new? A higher-temperature version. Previously available for temperatures up to 392 degrees Fahrenheit, the new version offers temperature control up to 446 degrees Fahrenheit. The company developed special algorithms to allow cooling via traditional heat exchangers. This allows molders to replace existing units with the new higher-temperature versions without disrupting their processes.

Benefits Fast, efficient and precise heating and cooling in one unit. Also, the P230S is suitable for clean rooms.

Regloplas Corp., St. Joseph, Mich., 269-428-1100,