Ox-Tran model 2/22 10X Targeted for a wide variety of applications that require strong oxygen barriers, Mocon's newest oxygen permeation testing instrument can measure the transmission characteristics of films and packages. The device can handle a broad range of flexible materials, including plastics.
What's new? The device, which represents an extension of the 2/22 product line.
Benefits Reduced testing time. Compared to the Ox-Tran 2/22 L, which Mocon introduced about a year ago, the new model is 10 times more sensitive. It's also faster than the previous generation of devices, the Ox-Tran 2/21, delivering results in half the time. Because it automates the process, the unit frees employees to perform other tasks.
Mocon Inc., Minneapolis, 763-493-6370, www.mocon.com