eDART SYSTEM MANAGER 3.0 This Web-based eDART System manager from RJG Inc. provides access to injection molding plant-floor data along with the ability to analyze and manage it remotely.
WHAT'S NEW? The ESM 3.0 allows users to adjust any injection press on the plant floor that's equipped with eDART controls. Tasks include checking mold configurations, template alarm limits, cavity pressure set points and security protocols; accessing stored historical job data; and generating reports. EDART views are standardized across the network.
BENEFITS Remote access to real-time production data via the Internet, including tablets or smartphones. Job data can be viewed from several screens, including which machines and molds are running, as well as cycle status and reject counts. Color coding makes status reports simple: green is good, red is bad.
RJG Inc., Traverse City, Mich., 231-947-3111, www.rjginc.com
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