HFH fork truck hook This device from Harrington Hoists is designed to lift and carry loads, such as molds and bulk containers of resin, on the fork of a forklift. It can be outfitted with either a latched hook or a swivel hook. The HFH fork truck hook has a capacity of 1.5 tons and fits forks ranging from 5.25 inches to 7 inches wide and from 3 inches to 3.25 inches thick. It has a fatigue life of 100,001 to 500,000 load cycles and is proof-tested to 125 percent of capacity.
What’s new? The truck hook, which hit the market this summer.
Benefits Safe transport of heavy loads. The device also is easy to attach.
Harrington Hoists Inc., Manheim, Pa., 717-665-2000, www.harringtonhoists.com
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