i3 MicroClean Cold Jet’s microparticle dry ice blaster is used to clean molds, dies and a wide variety of products and equipment across a range of industries.
What’s new? The latest version, the i3 MicroClean 2, which has IoT capabilities and numerous improvements over its predecessor. The machine’s 7-inch LCD screen, digital controls and an intuitive display allow operators to easily view and control blasting parameters and machine settings. It has redesigned blast hoses for more durability, a lightweight and compact design, a dry ice level indicator and a built-in cabinet with drawers for nozzle storage. Cold Jet offers customizable packages to accommodate the use of dry ice blocks, pellets or nuggets.
Benefits Improved performance for faster, more precise cleaning with a pulse-free blast stream. The upgrades also reduce use of consumables by more than 25 percent. The machine’s IoT platform gives users the ability to make data-driven decisions for improving their processes. Additionally, users now can connect directly with global service and support teams for troubleshooting or virtual guided repair.
Cold Jet LLC, Loveland, Ohio, 513-831-3211, www.coldjet.com