Kruse Training offers new Molding Defects course

Sept. 18, 2020
In collaboration with software maker Moldex3D, Kruse Training has launched Molding Defects Level 2 for molders, part and mold designers, and process engineers.
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A training program to help molders and others identify the causes of common defects and how to prevent them is expanding.

In collaboration with Zhubei City, Taiwan-based software maker Moldex3D, Kruse Training Inc., Naples, Fla., has launched Molding Defects Level 2 for molders, part and mold designers, and process engineers. The course builds on the company’s Level 1 online training, which offers training in molding fundamentals, polymer materials, part and mold design, and processing.

All 11 lessons of Level 2 allow participants to interactively manipulate 3-D CAD parts, to see how a particular molding defect appears on the final molded part.

The lessons cover short shots, entrapments, burn marks, flash, meld and weld lines, sink marks and voids, gate blush and halo, jetting, core deflection, dimensional challenges, and warpage.

For more information on Kruse Training, visit