DRTS extruder offers high throughputs

Dec. 1, 2019
The DEMEX-45/36D-C, a 45mm single-screw model, can match production of larger machines within a compact footprint.

Extruders DRTS offers a range of customizable, single-screw and twin-screw extruders for producing PE, PVC and PP-random copolymer pipe. DRTS stands for Drip Research Technology Solutions, and its extruders can be used to make drip irrigation pipes.

What’s new? DEMEX-45/36D-C, a 45mm single-screw model introduced at K 2019 that’s ideal for producing PE and PP pipe. It has a 36-to-1 L:D ratio and three-layer die head. An alternative to the company’s existing DR-SS-45/36D, which has a top output of about 400 pounds per hour, the new model is designed for heavy workloads. Features include a 19-inch display; a drive from ABB Inc., Zurich; an 80-kilowatt motor from the Baumüller Group, Nuremburg, Germany; a gearbox from Zambello Group, Shanghai; and a two-metal screw and barrel from Reifenhäuser Group. In addition, the extruder can be equipped with an air-handling unit for hot environments.

Benefits Space optimization. The extruder achieves outputs comparable to larger 60mm extruders. And, since it’s compact, it has a price that’s competitive with other extruders that have similar throughputs.

DRTS, Bayrakli, Turkey, 858-587-4833, https://drts.com

Vital Statistics
Maximum hourly throughput 650 pounds
Dimensions 10.5 feet by 5.4 feet by 6.9 feet