X500 3-D printer from German RepRap boasts cooling circuit

March 1, 2018
German RepRap's new 3-D printer is equipped with Simplify3D software and features an auto-bed leveling function and sensors that provide for precise and constant material flow .

X500 Designed for industrial use, German RepRap's new heated-chamber 3-D printer is equipped with Simplify3D software and features an auto-bed leveling function and sensors that provide for precise and constant material flow during the fused-deposition-modeling process. While the printer can be controlled remotely via the web, a 7-inch touch screen is included. The printer is particularly suited for handling high-performance polymers with special thermal, tribological, electrical, environmental or media-resistant properties that are used to make components for the aircraft, automotive, engineering and health-care industries.

What's new? The printer, which has been available for a few months.

Benefits Rapid, reliable printing with a high degree of stability. The printer boasts a steel frame and new cooling circuit that maintains process stability even at maximum building chamber temperatures. Because the printer makes it easy to create specialized components, it can be used by manufacturers that want to reduce their shipping costs by allowing them to build products close to the markets where they are needed.

German RepRap USA, Coral Gables, Fla., 786-701-0700, https://germanreprap.us/, https://germanreprap.us/pages/resellers